Friday June 14, 2010
Is it seriously Friday already?!?! I totally thought it was Thursday. That is what happens up here. You never know what day it actually is, every day blends into the next.
Today was our first day open to the public! It was a lot of fun, not quite as intimidating as I thought it would be and it was pretty slow. Me and wyatt made the wraps, salads, and sandwiches. Lets just say I am pro at them now, as well as making nachos and wrapping burritos. Mmmm everything Is so delicious but way overpriced. Oh well, its Redfish and that’s just how they roll. We also put in a zip line so when perry or I take orders we take one copy and clip it onto the zip line and shoot it to the back to Chad for grilled orders and take the other copy and send it to Wyatt for fried orders. It’s a really fun tool although they always make fun of me when I do it because Mike made it too tall so Perry wont get close lined so I have to jump up and do it.
I got let off early so I headed to the kitchen to see if they needed any work done. I need more hours so I will work wherever they need help. Nick came in and yelled “hi Britni” but evidently TJ heard him say Brunie and thought that’s what my name is, so they now call me Brunie.
They have a tradition here, if it’s your birthday, you get thrown into the lake. Today was Sam “big bird’s” (because he’s super tall and has crazy hair) birthday. Let’s just say he wasn’t the only one who got thrown in, he took Jon in with him as well.
and P.S Emily just might be able to get me tickets to GARTH BROOKS IN SUN VALLEY.
my life would be complete
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