“What we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we are — and who we will become.” ― Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Monday, May 30, 2011


I love to sleep.

I especially love naps.

But lately I have been waking myself up because I will start acting out my dreams. For instance, I have woken myself up twice from laughing so hard, the other night I woke myself up because I was literally trying to dance while laying down, and today I woke up from my usual Sunday nap with my mouth wide open because I had a dream I was at the dentist. I've never slept walked, just everything else that doesn't involve getting out of my bed. At least I wake up in a good mood :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Lately I have had the most insane desire to move to Italy. You'd think that because I am half Puerto Rican, that I would want to learn Spanish. No. Wrong. I want to learn Italian. To me, it is the most gorgeous language. So what better way to learn it than to go live it.
.....and their delicious food and incredible culture are big bonuses too.
Anyone up to go live in Italy with me?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


As most of you probably already know, I have made a move to Provo,UT. It has been a great and smooth sailing move. It took me all but 2 seconds to find an apartment because Alyssa Ball and Emily Scoggin had an open bed in theirs. My favorite part are mine and Alyssa's blue and green walls. Then I had to find either a full time job or two part time jobs. I landed 2 sweet jobs within a few days of being here. Sammy's and DownEast. Discounts on food and clothes. Need I say more?
Basically I just love it here because it is actually civilized with a plethora of places to eat, large bookstores to sit and read all day in, and many malls to (window) shop in.
And the MOUNTAINS. I cannot wait to climb and explore them.