“What we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we are — and who we will become.” ― Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

An Unexpected (much needed) Lesson Learned

Today I had an incredible experience at work. (I work at DownEast Outfitter Clothing Outlet) Some of you may be wondering how I could possibly have such an experience by being a humble and lowly Sales Associate.
Let me tell you my story from today.

This morning was s..l..o...w. Sometimes these days can be boring but I also love them at the same time because I can give more one-on-one time with my customers thus up-ing my customer service.
On this particular slow day, a lady walked in this afternoon and at first glance I knew that her self-esteem and self-image were quite low. Her clothing was baggy, plain, and worn out. Her body language showed that she tried to appear as small and as out-of-sight to the world as she could. My heart sank a little. She walked up to me and asked if I worked here. I replied with a "yes, is there anything I can help you look for?"
Her response, "I don't know how to pick out clothes. I have no sense of style. I don't know what I'm doing and I need your help. I'm going on a first date tonight and I haven't been on one in years. I need you to pick out an outfit for me."
I was ecstatic.
I asked her what her sizes were. After she gave me her answer I looked at her and could clearly tell that she had given me a size or two larger than she actually was. Again, my heart sank. I knew that she was going to be tough. I knew that her self-image was completely altered. I immediately realized that this wouldn't just be a mission of finding her a cute outfit for a first date, but a mission to also help her find a part of her self-worth. To help her realize that she is beautiful despite the negative thoughts that, I so personally know, are running through her head constantly. I saw a huge part of my (past) self within her.
I got a few outfits for her and put her in a dressing room. We started getting ideas of what colors worked best for her and what types of style were most flattering to her figure. She slowly started warming up to shopping. After a few minutes she remembered that she had to be somewhere and would be back soon to finish.
Within the next hour she was back and I could see that she was excited. She couldn't wait to find something that she liked and she started to believe that cute clothes actually looked good on her.
After almost trying on half of the store, and after my constant reassurance, we settled on multiple outfits that she loved. When I was ringing her out at the cash register, I could tell her countenance had completely changed. She couldn't stop smiling. I could tell that a small seed was planted that will help her realize her worth and beauty. She walked out of our store in such a different mood.
As she left I realized how much I actually really love my job. I don't just fold jeans and clear out dressing rooms. I help women feel confident in themselves inside and out and it makes those long boring days so much more worth it.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Homework on the BLOG

So you are probably wondering about my latest post. Let me tell you a story. I am currently taking 14 credits of online classes because Rexburg just isn't my town anymore and Provo is where it's at. With that being said. One of my classes is D&C 325. One of our weekly assignments is to to answer a bunch of questions from that weeks readings, then one of our options is to post the questions and answers to our blog. I picked the blog option for one of two reasons.
1. I didn't feel like picking the other option of writing an essay
2. I felt like it would be good missionary experience or something like that.

As for your questions Melissa.
Yes I am planning on serving a mission but I cannot turn in my papers until next year sometime.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sharing the Gospel

Several sections of the Doctrine and Covenants call particular people to missionary service. In section 80, Stephen Burnett is called upon to “declare the things which ye have heard, and verily believe, and know to be true” (v. 4) and told “Wherefore, go ye and preach my gospel, whether to the north or to the south, to the east or to the west, it mattereth not, for ye cannot go amiss” (v. 3).

Why do you think the Lord would say it didn’t matter where Stephen Burnett went to preach? Could it be that so many people were hungry for the gospel that Brother Burnett would find someone wherever he went? Or could it be that, at that time, the Lord was more focused on Stephen Burnett and how he would be changed through testifying of the gospel? (Or maybe there is another reason entirely?) I think the Lord told Stephen that it didn’t matter where he taught because he truly could not go wrong. There were so few missionaries, back in 1832 when this revelation was given, and there were also next to no members and no people who knew about the gospel. I believe it wouldn’t have mattered where he would have gone because anywhere he went, there may be people who wanted/needed to hear the gospel at that time. It could have quite possibly been tailored to the fact that Brother Burnett needed a missionary experience altogether to increase his testimony and love for the Atonement and teachings of the Book of Mormon so it wouldn’t have mattered where he went. I don’t know if we will ever know the true meaning of why the Lord told him to serve wherever he wished. But I know the Lord knew that Brother Burnett would have grown spiritually and would have bought others to the light of the gospel wherever he chose to work as a missionary.

What experiences have you had with missionary work? I have had a few experiences with missionary work, mostly with close family members and friends. All of which I had because of promptings of the Spirit. One of my experiences was several years back. I had this really close friend that I had known for 3-4 years and knew my family and I very well but knew little about our religion and what we believed. He lived directly across the street from me and we would be inseperable during the summer times. I often felt like I should invite him to church, a church activity, or FHE but I never did. A few years later he moved about 30 min away and I hardly saw him. His birthday was coming up, I always sent him something for his birthday, and I kept getting this strong feeling to give him the BofM. I finally gave in. I wrote a long 4 page letter to him bearing my testimony of the gospel and of the BofM. I had the package with the book and my letter addressed and ready to go……but I could not get myself to mail it. I was so afraid of his reaction. Would he be mad? Would he never want to be my friend again? Would he ever talk to me again? But I sent it. A few weeks later I get a phone call from him. He was so grateful for the package I had sent him and he absolutely loved it. I was shocked, in a good way, by his reaction. I pray that someday he may come to find the truthfulness of the gospel for himself.

Who has the greatest change wrought upon them? Why? I feel like this is a trick question. Both the one receiving missionary work and the one giving it has great change come upon them, but on different levels. The one who is receiving missionary work is receiving truth that they had never heard before, truth that could bring so much happiness and fulfillment in their lives, but their “great change” will only happen to them if they allow it. Their heart needs to be softened and they need to be ready to receive those messages for it to change them. As for the missionaries, they will have change wrought upon them as they seek out and study the principles of the gospel that they need to know in order to be able to teach. They will also gain the experiences and testimonies that come when listening to and acting upon the promptings of the spirit. They will grow a great love for those they serve and teach and a love for the Lord.

What is the importance of declaring “the things which ye have heard, and verily believe, and know to be true” in coming to know something? What is the point of knowing something to be true without a doubt in your mind, yet keeping it to yourself? That is the question I often ask myself. I feel that it is important to declare what you believe and know to be true because others may not have had the opportunity to have been taught what you know. For example: when I learn things (from any of my classes) at school while doing assignments or listening to lectures, I will often times share those things with a close friend or two and especially my mother. My mom never went to college; she never had the opportunity to learn some of the things I am learning so I love to be able to share some great principles of truth to her from a variety of subjects. I know she benefits from it as much, if not more, than I do.

How might what you have observed effect your efforts to teach one another in this course? I think it affects my efforts because I have realized that some people could greatly benefit to learn what I have learned. Sometimes I get caught up in thinking that everyone knows exactly what I know because we are taking the same course. But the thing is, that isn’t always the case. I know that some of what I have learned has come about inspirationally, others in the course may not have received that same inspiration so it would be good on my part to share my thoughts with the rest of the class

Friday, September 16, 2011

They made me do it.

I finally got a web-cam. FINALLY. But only because I had to. Seeing as I am taking my 14 credits all online, I have to have a web-cam so I can do online group discussions and such. So after setting it up my brother and I decided to have some fun with it.
(oh yeah....I'm in Boise for like...2 days)
Boise update coming soon to theaters near you.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


That makes me sound so much cooler than I actually am. Globetrotter. I wish my globe-trotting consisted of a little more of exotic places, but we will start small and simple instead.
If you haven't already heard, my cool friend Alyssa and I went to Denver over Labor day weekend.
Because we could.
Both of us had never been before and we heard you could get cheap tickets from the Provo airport. So one night we just decided to buy some tickets.
Luckily for us, she has some awesome family that lives there who graciously let us stay with them for those 4 days 3 nights.

The first day consisted of eating food, hanging out with her aunt and her kids, shopping at Nordstroms Rack, California Pizza Kitchen, and more shopping.
Sunday was chill and splendid. We went to her cousins single ward, babysat her little cousin, then went over to her other aunts house for dinner.
Monday we hit the city. Alyssa and I took the light rail into LoDo (lower downtown) Denver. We went to "Taste of Colorado" where we ate free food, watched cooking demonstrations, walked around to all the different vendors, and ate more free food. Then we rented bikes and biked around the city for the rest of the day. Let me tell you, it was SO incredible fun. I don't know how we would have done it without the bikes. We spent time in a super cute bookstore, talked to natives, saw the Coors baseball field, ate the best ice cream at the coolest ice cream stand, ate crappy food and a cafe, and just basked in the city life.
Tuesday came with driving around and seeing more of Denver and the Red Rock Amphitheater. The Zac Brown Band may or may not have (ok they definitely were) playing that night, sadly we were flying out that night so we couldn't go see them.
It was such an awesome weekend. Alyssa is for sure a #1 traveling partner. Now I am trying to figure out where I want to go next. Seattle? Chicago? New York? San Diego? Italy? :)
Oh and this definitely counts as one of my new years resolution. I think I have basically crossed off every one of my NYR's, but that is for a post on another day.