“What we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we are — and who we will become.” ― Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Sunday, January 8, 2012

2011. You. Were. Awesome.

Seriously, guys. 2011 was an awesome year and I feel so blessed to have had all of those experiences. It was a much needed year after 2010 which wasn't so hot (besides Redfish, that was pretty amazing).

A year in review:

I was still in Rexburg, not knowing that it would be my last semester in Rexburg. It was basically cold. Covered in ice. I played a TON of volleyball. And I tried Snowboarding for the first time. It was complete fail. 
Still played a lot of volleyball and went to the gym a lot because I had no job and no life. 
This was the month that changed my life. My roommate and I bought tickets to watch a men's BYU volleyball game in Provo. When I went to Provo that weekend, I felt completely inspired to move to Provo. I had never even considered the idea before. But within a few weeks of getting that "feeling" to move, I had bought a contract and found two jobs in Provo. 
I finished the semester out in Rexburg and didn't look back as I drove away from that town. I knew I had much more waiting for me in the future, but I had no idea what to expect. 
At the end of April I moved to Provo. I started working at Sammy's and DownEast. I was living with two friends who I went to junior high and high school with. They were the world's most perfect roommates. Seriously. 
Still working at DE and Sammy's. Still trying to figure out why I was sent to Provo.
I started dating and hanging out with Jayson again.
I turned 20!!! Goodbye teen years. You will not be missed.
Roadtriped to Idaho to go to Skyler's mission Homecoming.
Visited Redfish for a day.
I quit Sammy's. Hoorah.
I went to parks and read a lot.
I hung out with my awesome roommates.
I worked at DE
I spent one last week with J before he left on his mission.  
I said goodbye to two of my bff's as they entered into the MTC. Riley Ellis went to Denver, CO and Jayson Sevison to San Bernardino, CA.
Alyssa and I flew up to Denver for a weekend and stayed with her Aunt and Uncle. It was a TON of fun.
Moved to the apartment right next door and was blessed with another 3 awesome roommates.
I started taking my last semester of classes from BYU-I, but I did them online. Those classes were amazing and changed my life...or future life. I decided that I am going to be a Marriage and Family Therapist. and I am SO excited about it.
Just a whole lot of work and hanging out with friends and roommates and co-workers.
I got promoted to Shift Leader.
Christmas in California at my Grandma's with the whole family!!!! It was amazing.

Over-all, Provo has been the best change of my life so far. I have learned so much through work, friends, family, my amazing single's ward, roommates, ect. I have loved every second of living here and will be sad to say goodbye. Hopefully 2012 will be equally as good, if not better! Thank you to all who made my year so fabulous. I love you all!

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