“What we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we are — and who we will become.” ― Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Friday, November 4, 2011

Can I be 21 yet?

Usually one would be wishing to get a fake I.D in order to buy alcohol, go dancing at clubs, ect. I, on the other hand, would like a fake I.D in order to go on an 18 month LDS mission. June 3rd could not get here soon enough. There is so much I want to learn and so much I wish to teach others. Here in Provo, Utah there isn't a ton of variety of people. The main population are Latter-Day Saints aka Mormons. So whenever I go beyond the Mormon border, I realize how many people are out there in this world who don't know the fullness of the gospel. I see these people and I can tell that their spirits are just aching to hear the truth. They want it, but they don't even know it. Or they know it, but they aren't sure exactly what it is that they want. Make sense?
They are children of a Heavenly Father who LOVES them and they don't know it.
They have a divine nature and so much worth but they don't even know it.
They have an elder brother who sacrificed everything for them so they can feel peace and they don't know it.
They have the access to the Atonement that can help them rid themselves of so much pain yet they don't even know it.
They can be happy truly happy but they don't know how.

I used to listen to a song by Kenneth Cope all of the time. I haven't heard it in years until just recently. I actually listened to the words for the first time. It was about missionary service. It totally touched me. It's called, I Will Not Be Still.

"I've never been the kind to testify. I don't have the words His truth deserve, but its a simple thing He asks; a worthy heart and wiling hands. He says if i'll make the choice, He'll help me find my voice. He calls me serve and I cannot fail Him, the one who has given me all that I have. I place my trust in Him alone, He knows the yearnings of my soul. Because He believes in me, I will go willingly. How can I keep this gift to myself when I can lift somebody else? I am a witness of His miracles and His mercy. I put my future in His hands knowing He's made me all I am . When I put my faith in Him the truth begins to speak. His power is real. It moves me until I will not be still. Lifting the hands that hang down in sorrow. Strengthening knees that bend in despair. Reaching the hopeless hearts that do not know His love. Seeing their lives begin to change, I know that ill never be the same."

I don't know what brought on this sappy/spiritual post, but I am excited to serve. I love the Lord, I love His gospel, and I cannot wait to help others love it too.


Elder (Jayson) Sevison said...

Britni, I didn't know you did a blog. I am so glad I saw it on Jayson's blog. I loved reading this post you wrote. I could feel your strong testimony through the words you wrote. I can see you being a great sister missionary. People will feel the spirit like I just did by the way you act and feel. Loved it.

HC said...

oh Brit, you are going to be such an amazing missionary! Love you friend and you are awesome!