Let's just sum it up to say.....
our electricity got shut off= no lighting, drying your hair with your car windows rolled down, spoiled food (the day after I go grocery shopping)
I had to be moved out by noon on thursday, i was suppose to be at work by 8am, and had no idea until 6am that we were suppose to be moved out by noon that day.
I made a record moving-out time for 1hr 15 min. go me.
On friday we thought we lost our tickets to a free dinner/theater show up at Sundance Resort to see The Sound of Music. We barely found the tickets in time. (God answers prayers, ok)
Later that night my phone fell out of my purse on the shuttle at sundance. I didn't realize this until I already dropped Alyssa off and went back to my apartment. My new apartment that I was locked out of. I pounded on a neighbors door until someone answered. They graciously gave me their phone to use so I could call Alyssa. Guess what? Alyssa's phone was dead.
I headed back up to Sundance (about a 20min drive) and finally found my phone. (Again...God really does answer prayers)
Still locked out of my apartment.....so I go to my old work...Sammy's. I knew they would be open until 2am. And they have free wifi. and good shakes :) and cool people to talk to.
I finally got into my apt around 1am.
This week is over.
Let's think happy thoughts, and get motivation to unpack all my junk. At least I have signed a year contract so no more moving for a while.
Have a good week all of my imaginary friends who read my blog :)
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