“What we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we are — and who we will become.” ― Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Things I LOVE

I have recently grown a fetish for making lists. Lots of lists. About anything and everything. Probably just a phase. But this list is the beginning of an endless list of things that I love. Not in any particular order.

  1. The smell of books
  2. the sound of people (or myself) typing on laptops
  3. having my nails painted-I basically feel naked if they're not painted
  4. blank pieces of paper-either lined, plain white, ect.-to me I just see a paper that has endless possibilities to show your creativity or express emotions through words
  5. blankets! Lots and lots of blankets-big heavy comfy blankets
  6. naps. no explanation needed.
  7. journaling- feels so wonderful and I love being able to see how certain events or experiences change me and what I learn from them. It would be hard to do this without my journal- even though sometimes I read through old journals and am embarrassed by myself and the weird things I would get worked up about.
  8. bookshelves- one day when I have my own house, I will have a huge library with walls and walls COVERED in bookshelves that are filled with good smelling books :)
  9. mascara- I go through about a tube a month.....
  10. talking on the phone-I have this thing where I have to constantly keep in touch with friends and family. Going too long without having a conversation with them is a no go for me. And it can't be a good conversation if it's over text. No way. Must be on the phone. I love it a lot.
  11. Quite. It is extremely rare to get those quite moments at college. So when I do, I am forever grateful for them and will usually squeeze in a good read from general conference talks.
  12. Sundays-my favorite day of the week- a calm, relaxing, emotionally physically and spiritually rejuventating day.
  13. Geography-by far my favorite subject. ever. and has been my favorite class. I loved learning about the things of the earth:above, beneath, and on. I especially love learning about cultures and religions.
  14. The dripping sound of melting snow.....
Well that is certainly not all of the things that I love but it is a start.

Have a fantastic week. 6 more days until another bomb roadtrip to Utah!

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