“What we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we are — and who we will become.” ― Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Utah Weekend Get-A-Way

On Friday at 1pm, my roommate Shae and I headed to Provo for a weekend away from Rexburg and the stress of our upcoming finals.

That night we went to the BYU Men's Volleyball game vs. Hawaii. My friend Jayson and her friend Daniel joined us for the 2 1/2 hour game. Watching the nations #2 men's college volleyball team was so legit. I did get tired and felt like the game was never going to end, but all in all it was incredible to watch amazing volleyball.

After the game we all parted our ways. I went to Alyssa's apartment where we chilled for a while then made our way to Coney's and got ourselves some delicious strawberry custard. Oh baby. The rest of the night was filled with hanging out with her roommates and friends and catching up with life.

Saturday morning was started out right. Homemade banana chocolate chip pancakes courtesy of Chef Alyssa. They were SO good and held me over until another tasty meal with Jayson at Spicy Thai. Mmmmhhmmm. When I got back to Alyssa's apartment we got our white t-shirts on, went and got our good friend Hailey Clements, went to Sammy's and split a pie shake, then made our way to Festival of Colors. Needless to say, it was just that-colorful. It was also slightly painful to a certain degree when you couldn't breathe because the air was chalk full of...well...chalk. It was a great time filled with great memories.

After we got back to the apartment we scrubbed ourselves clean, got a redbox movie, and conked out. It was a long fantastic day.

On Sunday, Shae and I drove around trying to find a place to take the Sacrament. It wasn't that difficult, although the first place we tried was actually a chinese ward. We got a kick out of that. We eventually found a place then headed to Salt Lake where we walked around temple square for a while then headed back to good ol' Rexburg.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Love Letter

My awesome little brother sent me this cute message on Facebook yesterday...

"hey brit guess what................... you might be asking what so i will tell you what I LOVE YOU :) so now you know what is what"

I love him.
He basically rocks.
And he makes me laugh. A.Lot.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Things I LOVE

I have recently grown a fetish for making lists. Lots of lists. About anything and everything. Probably just a phase. But this list is the beginning of an endless list of things that I love. Not in any particular order.

  1. The smell of books
  2. the sound of people (or myself) typing on laptops
  3. having my nails painted-I basically feel naked if they're not painted
  4. blank pieces of paper-either lined, plain white, ect.-to me I just see a paper that has endless possibilities to show your creativity or express emotions through words
  5. blankets! Lots and lots of blankets-big heavy comfy blankets
  6. naps. no explanation needed.
  7. journaling- feels so wonderful and I love being able to see how certain events or experiences change me and what I learn from them. It would be hard to do this without my journal- even though sometimes I read through old journals and am embarrassed by myself and the weird things I would get worked up about.
  8. bookshelves- one day when I have my own house, I will have a huge library with walls and walls COVERED in bookshelves that are filled with good smelling books :)
  9. mascara- I go through about a tube a month.....
  10. talking on the phone-I have this thing where I have to constantly keep in touch with friends and family. Going too long without having a conversation with them is a no go for me. And it can't be a good conversation if it's over text. No way. Must be on the phone. I love it a lot.
  11. Quite. It is extremely rare to get those quite moments at college. So when I do, I am forever grateful for them and will usually squeeze in a good read from general conference talks.
  12. Sundays-my favorite day of the week- a calm, relaxing, emotionally physically and spiritually rejuventating day.
  13. Geography-by far my favorite subject. ever. and has been my favorite class. I loved learning about the things of the earth:above, beneath, and on. I especially love learning about cultures and religions.
  14. The dripping sound of melting snow.....
Well that is certainly not all of the things that I love but it is a start.

Have a fantastic week. 6 more days until another bomb roadtrip to Utah!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday Night Volleyball

Every day gone by is a day closer to Monday. Yes, I have gotten a little obsessed this semester. I spend all day long in class just day dreaming about playing volleyball every night. But Monday nights are different. This is the night when all the LEGIT players come out. I'm not saying that I am one of those legit players....but I can keep up, my right knee can prove it to you. I have the sickest purple, black, and blue knee because I like to throw my body all over the court so that ball doesn't touch the ground.
Let me just tell you how fun these Monday nights really are. Some of these dudes could have seriously played awesome college v-ball. They are monsters and just tear that ball apart. I love it. They have perfect passes, sets, and insane kills. But I think what I love most about playing these pick-up games, is that they can get super intense, but yet be super chill at the same time. Make sense? I think that the end of my volleyball career in high school came because the competitiveness of it all made me lose the love of the game.
Well folks, that love has come back. Full force. In fact, my roommate Shae, who is also just as obsessed as I am, and I have just bought our tickets to go see the BYU Men's team play in Provo at the end of this month. We. Are. STOKED.