Whom, may I ask, do you think you are? You waltz right into Rexburg acting like you own the place.
Well NEWS FLASH, clearly you DO NOT.
So you can run and tell that....homeboy.
The weather has been incredible here. Just yesterday, yes YESTERDAY, I was walking outside in a t-shirt not even needing a light jacket. Then to my dismay, I woke up to you floating around outside of my window and you have not stopped floating around since then.
Are you trying to suck the life (and warmth) right out of me?!?
Are you trying to suck the life out of my bank account? Because this means new footwear most definitely.
I hope I have not offended you in any way, because in all honesty I do love you. Just not right now.
Maybe later.
So you can go back from wherever it is that you came from and come again sometime after Thanksgiving.
Then, and only then, will I enjoy your bitter coldness, re-creating you out of white computer paper, building snowmen out of you, learning to snowboard on you, making snowballs out of you, and possibly snow shoeing in you.
Yours truly,
Your number one fan....after Thanksgiving.
P.S- Oh, and don't over-stay your visit this season. Becuase as my memory recalls, last season.....you did. Please and Thank You.
1 comment:
This made me chuckle. :) I feel almost the same way. but. I don't have warm shoes yet. So... yeah.
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