“What we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we are — and who we will become.” ― Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Grand-Parents and Grand-Children

This is my family. Well, the grandparents and all my cousins at least (minus baby Axel). Does it look like my brother and I come from a completely different family. Yeah, well, we don't. We are for real in the same family as all these cute blonde kids. These kids are awesome and adorable and crazy. My grandparents are my favorite. I miss them all of the time. I am constantly thinking about how I can get to wherever all of my family is. I wish we all lived closer. But, we manage.
I love you guys!

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

No, folks, it's not Christmas time.....it's FALL.
My roommates and I took a drive up the canyon on Sunday because the trees here are absolutely gorgeous. Seriously breathtaking. The weather is incredible and fall food is one of my favorites.
I love Provo.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Read My Lips

I have this co-worker......ok, I would call her a friend that I work with.
Her name is Eliza. Pronounced: (Ooo-Lie-zuh)
Ok, not really. But doesn't Ooliza just roll off the tongue a little bit better?
I thought so at least.
We got bored today at work so we had to give ourselves something to do.
Naturally, we decided on learning how to read lips.
She told me what she did last night without making any sound.
I basically translated the whole thing. I should be in the FBI or something.
Is this a pointless blog entry?
I'm just distracting myself from the mounds of endless homework I keep procrastinating. I have been so good at not procrastinating this semester....up until this week.
But I made good soup today, enough to feed an army!
Lentil soup with sweet potato, spinach, tomatoes, celery, carrots, and other good stuff.
Eliza and I also went bridal shower gift shopping today.
We're pretty good at this stuff. You should invite us to your bridal shower, will give you good stuff.
Enough rambling.
Back to the H-double U (aka:hw, aka: homework)